Performance Team

Collaborate with professional dancers to learn and perform as a team.

as Featured in

"surpassed my expectations"


"if I can give 10 stars I would"

"it is like exercising in disguise"


" really a miracle"


"mission to bring health and wellness in a fun and joyful way"

like minded individuals

Bollywood Dance Team

Our performance Bollywood dance team consists of professional dancers who collaborate to create and perform Bollywood, Bhangra, Bharatanatyam, Hip hop etc.

We are a dance team with no captain and democratic based - everyone has a say!

take ownership


⇝ Work with like-minded 🧠 individuals who take ownership.

⇝ Dances are choreographed and song selections are picked by team, not one individual.

⇝ Each performance will be recorded - Get showcased. Get credited.

⇝ Get performance gigs and gig money. 💲

⇝ Access to the studio anytime.

⇝ Get free access to workshops held by guest instructors.

⇝ This team is yours, a place to de-stress and dance. 😊

Working together


⇝ Attend at least 3 dance classes a month.

⇝ Must attend the last 2 practices before a performance.

⇝ $25/month - for commitment.



Audition can be submitted to or shown in-person.

Showcase a 1-minute choreography of any dance style or song.

Feel free to show any ability or talent!

Questions? 💬 Text us at 713-999-6212

Interested in joining the team?

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We'll get in touch with you soon!

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